Sunday, March 27, 2005

Bit Bucket

Posted by:daftsavant on 1:03 AM






Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
"Everyone has the right to the freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

I didn't libel, slander, defame, denigrate, asperse or any act of calumny and character assassination. I descry and I decry. You may imbibe every words, but be wary of your constitution, such inquietude concoction are known to be potent pathetic frisson and latent bathetic poison. One could be indisposed with delirium tremens by intoxication and incapacitated with somato-phrenic disorder.

ATTENTION: No Fascist Pigs, JMF Lapdogs, Malaysian Civil Servants, Law Enforcement Agencies and Malaysian Government Officials are authorized to enter this site. The site content is arbitrarily executed on my own volition. There’s no need to harass and threaten her as the named quarry (A. Nikita) objected remonstratively to this endeavour and by that meant an objection with utter expostulation. It’s my own indignation and hatred to such heinous crimes committed by "them" with total disregard of Islamic creed and human rights that I impart this diatribe in the most rudimentary sense of criticism and yet still in total deference and servitude amidst the resentment. I’m prepared to be subjugated, cower and cringe as the lowest common denominator to the enthroned hierarchy in stipulation of my petty defiance. The culpability of the named quarry (A. Nikita) however has no merit under the prescribed liability. Tacit infringement of liberty will elicit lurid disclosure and lucid provocation. Know that I’m a man on the verge of quasi Absurdism and virtual Anarchy. Death of Husnul-Khatimah shall be my legacy, her death is martyrdom and "their" sanctified sins are eternity. AMEN.
